Adam Tupper

aff. IID, Mila.


G’day! I’m Adam, a doctoral student in machine learning at Université Laval in Québec, Canada. I’m passionate about fundamental research and practical applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning. My current research is focused on machine learning for medical image analysis, under the supervision of Christian Gagné. I’m a member of the Institut intelligence et données (IID) and Mila.

Prior to coming to ULaval, I worked as a machine learning engineer for LHP Partners Ltd, a Wellington-based AI consultancy start-up. I received my M.Sc. degree from the University of Canterbury (UC) in computer science. My thesis was written on evolutionary reinforcement learning for vision-based general video game playing, under the supervision of Kourosh Neshatian. I also received my B.Sc. from UC in computer science and statistics. Additionally, I have interned at various different companies, such as Xero and Orion Health.

If you’d like to reach out, feel free to contact me via email or social media. Just click on the icons in the navigation bar above.


Jan 22, 2025 New preprint Revisiting Data Augmentation for Ultrasound Images available on arXiv!
Mar 14, 2024 New preprint Analyzing Data Augmentation for Medical Images: A Case Study in Ultrasound Images available on arXiv!
Jan 18, 2021 I’ve moved to Canada to start my PhD at Université Laval 🇨🇦
Dec 18, 2020 Graduated with my MSc (with distinction) from the University Canterbury 🎓